Donate Extra to the Venues

£1.00 - £15.00

Donating is an optional way to show your support and appreciation to the music venues aside from buying the Coventry Venues: A Year in the Live 2021 Calendar. Proceeds will be split in equal amounts to the 12 featured music venues.

If you want to donate your money to a specific Coventry venue, then just make sure to pop the venue name in the ‘Notes’ section at the bottom of the check-out page. All donations are greatly appreciated.

The Coventry venues your donations will go to include: The Tin Music and Arts, Kasbah, The Box at Fargo Village, Arches Venue, Herbert Art Gallery, Ziferblat, Knights & 2-Tone Village, Just Dropped In, The Big Comfy Bookshop, The Golden Cross, Rialto Plaza and Milk Vintage.

**Donations are not in return for goods or services.